Sunday, December 26, 2010

3 minutes only

only 3 minutes guys, you will be much prettier.. no need to spend alot beauty shop or facial centre..
it can be done at home, anywhere transportation cost to spend....
i have tried this product for the first time and it amaze....i can see the different after 3 minutes....
my face become smooth, shining and looks younger.....
this product can be apply for all type of skin

Friday, October 29, 2010

menyambut hari tua

Salam....da lama aku x memblogging....heheh ni baru da masa...
hari ni da genap umur aku 27 thn 8 hari....da tua rupanya aku...selalu jek dok terasa muda..
tambah2 asik dok kawn ngan dak muda kat opis...tu x sedar2 diri tu...
selalunya setiap tahun besday jarang bersambut...huhu but this year best, mana taknya ade org kesayangan yg sanggup balik menemankan aku ni..

im hapi sangat sebab dia sanggup balik ....huhu semata2 nak jpe aku...nak temankan aku...
rasa cam dia appreciate aku sgt....he bought me present, walaupun gift tu x seberapa....tapi aku tetap x kisah...sbb i luv him so muchhh....

he bought me a bear, i da namakan dia comot....huhu skg comot da temankan tiger...
jadi takde la tiger sunyi....n mama dia pun ade teman mlm2...

Thanks bie...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

my advance besday present

hehe the day that he ask me a favour, i thought it was a big request....but its not.
he just ask me to accept something from him without questioning...
i just wonder wat is that, for every second....until i met him..
haha....guest wat?? it is besday present....
he just gave me earlier coz not sure he can meet me on my besday.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


huhu....i woke up early morning....and hope that will arrive before 9 am in the office.
unfortunately, something bad happen to me.....i had stepped wrongly and accidentally fell down.
oh laptop has hit me...i saw many stars sorrounding me...arghhh my head cant stop....spinnning....
even i cant stand up...
i felt shy, hmm a bit stress, and wanna cry....luckily there is a girl pass by and give hand to me...
i turn back home and no hope to go office..
its hurts....sakit ma.. kepala rasa cam nak pecah...
i took 5 minutes climb the stairs to go up, back to my house... cant stand anymore with my head...
i call him many time,,,, biasa la ngadu... hmm make him worry...
until he made decision to go home visit me...
so sweet..... i  love him.....very muchhh
thanks dear...luv u always....... but i felt a bit stress when cannot make him happy...
sorry dear...... i will try my best in next time....

Sunday, August 8, 2010


da lama i x g vacation....heehe ade gak berangan2 nak g jalan2 ke seberang....tapi belum tercapai lagi la...
duit pun x cukup lagi. so skg cuma dapat g bercuti kat tempat2 yg berdekatan jek...
ape la nasib....huhu.....
semalam i n kawan2 membuang masa di PD....dengan melepak di pantai, bergambar da beramah mesra...
ye la ngan kawan2 yg belum dikenali...
malamnya dinner wif new frenz, dioaorg berkaroake x hingat n ade sambutan besday.
tapi part yg paling i x leh lupa n x suka bila tetiba da kek yg hinggap kat muka i... ne makanan ni leh hinggap kat muka ni..
diaorg tu x baik tau bis muka i t naik jerawat...hmm sape nak jawab??
tapi sib baik i da product yg ok...dapat menghilangkan sume tu lam masa 3 minit.....
hehe dasat....nanti i cite g pasal product tu....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 i frustrated? of course i am not

There are alot of friend outside who are pretend as a good friend, but actually they are not.
Why actually this happen?? hmm there are alot of reason and cause and only they knows about tht.
firstly when it happens to me, i felt lonely + upset + confused.....

She+ he or otherword 'both of them', being my good frenz and for the same time i realized that they are not.
now, let them be like them wanna be and i wont do anything. Let's wait n see.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

time to dress----:)

Dinner again???huhu how as i do not how to dress up.....x pandai make up..x pandai bergaya.
aduss susahnya....skg mula la menyibukkan diri nak surf internet...
nak cari tu ...nak cari ni...

nak glamour cam ni ke??

Thursday, April 29, 2010

burden of credit.....arghhhh...

huhu....i am stress after seeing the bills of credit card..
arghhh..there is alot of amount.......
not only credit card, there is other credit also need to settle.
it was my previous fault,i have not listen to advise
stuborn girl that regret today ..............

outstanding of bill making me stress and burden.
plz help me to solve this issue...
my advise is plz dont making credit with swapping ur card.
coz it will bring you to another problem.....
so use money wisely with:

1) buy thing that 'must'
2)dont use credit card more than 1
3)dont apply loan if ur not require it
4)saving money
5)buy insurance
5)buy share....

hahah.....lets try to manage our money....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

marriage is a beginning or ending of life??

i am not the one who is not believe on marriage or dislike it, but i feel that people needs to think it deeply before making a decision. we have to get know each other first. Even, couple whom married more than 5 years too, do not know each other well.
i will happens suddenly and happens without we are realize it.
n it is depend on ur luck and the way how ur drift sounds not easy rite...
no body will knows the future.
so all depend on ur thought and way
it should be either 'happy or sad'
therefore,we have to face all incoming problem in whatever situation.
as example 2 situation after marriage below:

sofia married to guy whom she newly knowing not much than 3 month and finished with marriage.
her husband not really same level wif her achievement and the salary is lower than her,but still
enjoy their life without doubt
they are manage their own life wise wif got a cute child, n all people dream it.

but most of people also dont want their life ending wif situation like Hani who has divorced after 2 days married. it also happens even they knowing each other more than 2 years.
so thats mean we cant expect what will happen in future.that y we should think in deeply before make it happen.
you are the one who has right to yourself, should think it cause there is no guarantee. not like buying things with insurance coz there is no insurance at all.

mad of him

huhu...poor him.i don't know y i mad of him recently....
everything he ask or made has caused me to turn red...especially during women's day.
im alway in bad mood....

hmm but i am really miss him....cant wait anymore
hope he can arrange his 'on leave', so we can spend day together.
Guys, pray for me.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


ishhh..stressnye..  S.T.R.E.S.S !!!!!!!!
asik dc jek YM ni.sungguh x patut. i baru jek nak ym ngan si dia...
penat jek i balik dari selayang but cannot access to YM...knp ni???
adakah disebabkan broadband i slow but i wonder y i connect to other page
mesti si dia tertunggu2.. cam ne ni...ape yang perlu i buat???

miss him so much.....

hmmm...i thought da 3 weeks i x jpe dia....tah cam ne la rupanya..i m hoping dat he will change as him promise...let see...
i xbiasa la cam ni...i kan pampered. lau boleh sume benda i nak buat ngan dia. ke bank, g keje...
malas nak settle kan sendiri...
i harap x lama lagi i dapat jpe dia.i can't wait.......

Thursday, April 15, 2010

no warranty for marriage

bila nak kawin???hmm....nilah soklan paling i x suka bila somebody tnya dulu.. wlaupun umur i makin meningkat skg ni but its not the reason y i shud rushing to get married. sometime ade gak terpikir nak kawin but tu time i stress ngan keje jek. tu pun bila pikir xde jalan lain da nak amik..
tapi bila pikir n renung dalam-dalam i xrasa msa skg sesuai utk i kawin.sbb masih bnyk yg i nak settle down
n it will take time.
lagipun bnyak cite x best yg i dengar n baca kat paper n tv....gaduh, cerai, dera n macam2 lagi.
lelaki n pompuan masing2 nak buktikan masing2 betul.huh bukan ke perkahwinan tu 1 perkongsian??
so it should be based on luv rite?
banyak pertanyaan yg berlegar2 kat fikiran i ni......n banyak gak perkara yg i pikir...
ye la kena cari org yg sesuai sbb kita x tau kehidupan lepas kawin, cam ne duit utk anak2, makan pakai,
huish susah la....i x nak susah lepas kawin.
tapi ade gak kawan i yg ade pandangan lain, esp lelaki la....diorg pikir senang jek.
diorg ingat sume benda bleh capai lps kawin....hmmm bukan x leh tapi susah.
nak tau knp?? sbb bila kawin kita da terikat ngan tanggungjawab n we have to commit.
hmmmm susah kan...............
dats y i tell u no warranty for marriage....
continue discuss on tommorrow   :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

baby shower

rasa cam baru je lagi kitaorg buat baby shower tuk adik..kat fullhouse ritu..
n sume keje alia la...hehe the mastermind. thanks 2 alia sebab jemput i n si dia.
all girls n boys pakai baju biru. ye ar tema dia biru....hahaha.
i pun tak tau nape adik x perasan kitaorg da paki baju sama color gitu.
ramai gak ar yg join ritu campur i , sidia, alia dekat2 20 org la.
ni 1st time i g mkn kat situ...ok gak lepak kat situ, suasana , dishes - sori xsempat nak capture.
huh lapar sgt, ye la masing2 belum lunch lagi, sempat makan nasi dagang jek pagi tu.

 huh sempat posing sblm balik

      cupcakes for door gift



Tuesday, February 16, 2010

GTO amazing raze

Yeh, akhirnya ade gak masa untuk i beriadah...maklum la asik busy kat opis je n weekend lak biasanya ngan tersayang...hehe...but for last 6th feb aritu i join 'amazing race' yg dianjurkan oleh company.....
seminggu sblm event tu,i cuak gila, ye la....i kan x penah buat aktiviti lasak , so cam ne nak go on ngan aktiviti tu...i paling takut lau diorg suh flying fox  or swimming or panjat2 ke....huhu takut ar. i agak cuak ngan ketinggian n air....
n ari yg ditunggu2 pun sampai, i terpaksa bangun awal.n call him early mornin tuk antar i ke TPM. huish...ngantuknya....susah tul i nak bangun pagi...
i sampai tpm lam kul 7.10 pagi, awal gila dr team member yg lain....pecah rekod hehe mana taknya budak yg malas bangun pagi sampai awl.....
Lam kul 8 lebih kitaorg bertolak kuar dr TPM and start journey to Telok intan, 1st check point at leaning tower...

Huh time ni gelabah gila ....masing2 sibuk call somebody yg leh tolong gtau jln paling dekat ke north-south highway....i pun sama call si dia but not worth pun since herny da jumpe shortcut n lily si gadis GPS save us...
Untung lo ade GPS in ur hp. mula2 la i berangan nak beli alat GPS lak......
lau i sorg2 tak tau la...sebab lau pasal jalan ni i lambat sikit, si dia selalu kutuk i, fail in giving direction.
pastu sume rasa cam da peluang nak menang bila jpe dak2 lain pun sesat gak....haha kelakar x sangka diorg pun tak tau jalan. 

sebelum ni i x rasa pun nak masuk leaning tower tu, tapi aritu kitaorg kena panjat n cari clue..huish...tngga dia kecik2..susah nak naik since da ramai peserta kat sana.

da habis sesi bergambar n print, kitaorg bertolak ke lumut, jeti ke pangkor...lebik krg lam 45 minit kitaorg sampai....naik feri ke lumut....
berdebar2 i sebab next task kat pangkor...i xnak berenang...i takut...

lepas tu sampai je banyak g xtiviti yg kena buat antaranya panjat kuil, merempit ngan min, F1 race n paling x suka kena kayak lam laut....teruk i x penah pikir nak buat xtiviti cam ni even lam tasik.
takutnya lam laut......cuba bayangkan i yg takut air ni nak berkayak cam ne....tolong, tiba2 jek i terpikir nak tarik diri..

xtiviti sendiri bersama lily....
   lili mengejar ketam 

ketam mendiamkan diri takut dikambus oleh cik lily

wif lily....

Monday, February 15, 2010

my 1st niece

6.30 on thursday morning, i have shocked with the good news where my sister going to give birth.....
huhu...wat a lucky since i got my 1st niece in tiger year....harap murah rezeki tahun ni.
just imagine got message early in the morning, feel lazy to read...haha just want to talk bad for whom send the message...but i am eager to know bout the baby at that time, cant wait lo....rasanya cam nak call si dia n go straight to selayang hospital..

But, i have to go to office since i haven't plan any leave for dis month, no choice lo just wait la......
here i've copy her picture, quite cute like he mother n me...hehe..
starting from today, i akan survey girl thing only for her.....huhu miss her.